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In many college or business campuses, communications for productions are necessary......
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Eclipse HX-Median and Omega frames can now support up to 200 FreeSpeak beltpacks.
At sports stadiums, entertainment in the building is equal to the game itself.
Clear-Com provides many solutions for scaling operations.
Many colleges have campuses that house sports venues, auditoriums, theatres, etc.
It is essential for large ocean-going vessels to have a highly integrated system.
Working on an offshore oil rig is one of the most dangerous jobs.
Districts are looking for solutions with IP and mobile capability.
E-IPA card with any Eclipse HX frame creates a powerful AoIP solution.
Cruise ships are an engineering feat and an entertainment marvel.
Some Performance Arts Centers and Operas are huge facilities hosting thousands.
Most arenas come with huge video screens so fans can see the action.
Managing a nuclear power plant can be a dangerous business.
Clear-Com provides many solutions for scaling the operation.
At sports stadiums all over the world...
To minimize the number of devices needed to do certain tasks...
Large companies with remote locations need IP solutions.
As the technology surrounding the way a district manages their transportation is upgr...
eSports is a venue for multiplayer computer games.
In the World Cup, the VAR system worked extremely well.
Two-way radios work on a myriad of frequencies.
Church live productions need well-timed communication capabilities.
Deck to deck communication on a deep ocean vessel can be challenging.
Live productions in churches need well-timed communication capabilities.