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In many college or business campuses, communications for productions are necessary...
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The Arcadia is deployed in the control room of the main theatre.
Even at smaller performance arts theatres, communications are key to ensuring a successful production.
A Performance Center can be a somewhat sprawling facility.
Smaller sports arenas don't need a large number of system endpoints.
For many smaller production facilities, wireless communication can exceed budget.
Simple, inexpensive two-channel analog communications system have high value.
Production crews use intercom to deliver live entertainment and news worldwide.
At sports stadiums, entertainment in the building is equal to the game itself.
Many colleges have campuses that house sports venues, auditoriums, theatres, etc.
For many smaller production facilities, wireless communication is out of reach.
Some Performance Arts Centers and Operas are huge facilities hosting thousands.
Production staff need to be able to move freely.
Live productions in churches need well-timed communication.
Remote Production is a very popular way of producing news events.
In the World Cup, the VAR system worked extremely well.
An aging analog partyline system may not be getting full use opportunities.
Church live productions need well-timed communication capabilities.
Live productions in churches need well-timed communication capabilities.
Video has become more and more a part of many live productions.
A well-working, aging analog system may not be getting full use.