0 dBu is referenced to 0.775 volts RMS
Matrix Capabilities
Maximum Expansion Cards: 2
Maximum CPU Cards: 1 (included)
Maximum Power Supply Units: 2 (included)
Maximum Fiber Expansion Cards: 1 (if second slot available)
Maximum MVX Port Cards: 2 Minimum
MVX Port Cards: 1 Maximum
E-QUE, IVC-32, LMC-64 Port Cards: 1 (if second slot available) Maximum
E-IPA 16, 32 or 64 Port Card: 1 (if second slot available) Maximum
EMADI-64 Port Cards: 1 MADI (if second slot available)
Maximum RJ45 Ports per Matrix: 64
Maximum Timeslots: 512
Matrix Performance
Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Resolution: 24 bit
Frequency Response: at 48 kHz sampling: 30 Hz - 22 kHz Ā± 3 dBu
Crosstalk (adjacent channel): <-70 dBu
Nominal Level: 0 dBu
Matrix headroom: +18 dBu
Distortion: <0.05 %, @ 0 dBu, 300 Hz to 10 kHz; <0.1 %, @ 0 dBu, 100 Hz to 20 kHz
Off Noise: <-70 dBu (20 Hz - 22 kHz)
On Noise: <-65 dBu (20 Hz - 22 kHz)
Key Response, Intra-System: <40 ms for audio route
Linked Systems: <60 ms for audio between matrices