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Royal Theatre (Teatro Real), Madrid - Customer Story Preview

Royal Theatre (Teatro Real), Madrid - Customer Story Preview


The Royal Theatre in Madrid has chosen Clear-Com® to integrate all their existing technical communications based on a system comprising the Eclipse® digital matrix intercom platform with the FreeSpeak® digital, wireless intercom system and analogue Party Line beltpacks.

The Eclipse Omega digital matrix platform connects all the existing communications in the theatre, both wireless and wired. The matrix is located in the technical centre and provides a multi user networked service with real time error control supervision. The whole system is backed up by redundant PC’s and CPU’s. To facilitate communications, the theatre has installed three different types of digital panels that allow up to a maximum of 64 possible communications per panel all with visual call indication.

The Royal Theatre chose Clear-Com for this installation primarily because of the unique wireless FreeSpeak system. This provides digital wireless belt packs with six possible channels plus Point-to Point communication among other features. With FreeSpeak the theatre has wide network coverage that provides a wireless access to more than 60 users on line and avoids possible exterior interference with other systems.

The theatre also opted to install a complete Clear-Com Party Line analogue system with more than 90 fixed points and a wide network of multi channel communications. All the systems are integrated with one another enabling paging messages to be sent from any of the installed panels connected to the system.


Eclipse Omega, FreeSpeak Base, 4224, 4294, I-Station, CCI-22, FOR-22, IMF-3, PSU 101, TEL-14, RS 601, PSU 464, PSU 232, CC-26, RS 602, FS-BP, PD 2201, PD 2203

Market RelationNone
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