Where has Clear-Com been installed around the world? Check out some of our installations from 2009! Here are some of my favorites:
Photo Credit: Wikimedia.org |
Located at a shipyard (yes, a shipyard!) in the center of Berlin, die Fernsehwerft handles the production needs for some of Germany’s biggest broadcasters, including MTV Germany and ProSiebenSat.1. As an independent production company and full service provider, it offers a comprehensive portfolio of services in television production, post production, sound design, digital archiving and playout and satellite transmission.
The Royal Australian Air Force’s Aerospace Operational Support Group enhances and extends combat capability by providing integrated operations support. It consists of three groups, including the information warfare wing, air system development and test wing, and the Woomera test facility
Blue Media is one of the biggest independent TV-production companies in Finland, with over 10 years of experience in music entertainment, drama, concerts and children’s programs. High quality tv-entertainment arises from simple elements such as hiring pro’s, owning the newest technique and having a burning passion for the industry!
Werne is Finland’s leading, internationally acclaimed dubbing studio for animated and live films and videos. The company offers technical production services and turnkey solutions to producers and distributors of TV, video and audio content in Scandinavia and the Baltic Countries.
Photo Credit: Fanpop.com |
Launched in 1957, Magyar Televízió is the Hungarian national public service television company and is owned by the government of Hungary. Its slogan is “Transmitting Values”. The company is one of the first in Europe to install Clear-Com‘s cutting-edge Concert intercom-over-IP solution.
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