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Clear-Com Honors Carnegie Mellon University Student with 2015 USITT Stage Management Award

Clear-Com Honors Carnegie Mellon University Student with 2015 USITT Stage Management Award

Clear-Com Marketing

Company’s commitment to the Live Sound/Theater Industry spans more than a decade

Clear-Com®, a global leader in critical voice communications systems, continues to demonstrate its dedication to the live sound industry through its ongoing support of the United States Institute for Theater Technology (USITT), and Young Designers & Technicians (YD&T) Awards. This year, as the sponsor of the organization’s Stage Management Award, Clear-Com and USITT awarded Carnegie Mellon University student, Tyler Jacobson, for his excellence in stage management and dedication to the performing arts. The award is part of USITT’s annual Conference and Stage Expo, which attracts roughly 4,000 design and production technology professionals each year.
The YD&T Awards are presented to young designers and technicians in the industry who are beginning their careers and who demonstrate outstanding potential in areas such as stage management, technical production, and lighting design. In recognition of his contributions, Jacobson, like all past winners, received a cash reward and registration to the 2015 USITT Annual Conference and Stage Expo.
“Clear-Com is proud to be a sponsor of such a worthy program and to support students like Tyler in their early successes,” said Judy Cheng, Director of Marketing at Clear-Com. “The ability to organize and coordinate a production, using the latest communication technology  , is a critical skillset, and Tyler’s forward-thinking approach will take him far in this field. We congratulate Tyler on his achievements and know that he and the rest of this year’s winners will continue to accomplish amazing things.”
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