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Intercom Design Guide (eBook)


The ultimate guide to putting together a system design.

Intercoms are used in many different facilities across a wide range of markets, yet they undergo a common design methodology based on a very simple workflow criteria. The design of an intercom system, like the design of any key system, must begin with the definition of the individual system's requirements - including operations, environmental, and budgetary considerations. This e-book will guide you towards conceiving, planning and ultimately designing an intercom system. It includes our best advice and approach on how to compile and record information about a facility, the users and their workflows so that you can build the most appropriate intercom system.

Download this Intercom Design Guide today to learn about:

  • Common Communication Techniques and Workflows
  • Choice of Equipment Types
  • Defining Your Needs (Start of the Design Process)
  • Design Examples
  • Common Audio and Intercom Terms
  • ...and much more!

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