Agent-IC Mobile App for Eclipse HX
Agent-IC Virtual Mobile Client
- For: Eclipse, Gen-IC and LQ
- On: Android and iOS
- Large Talk & Listen buttons
- Swipe to Latch Gestures
- Global Key state and Audio Prescence indicators
- Easy download from Apple & Google App Stores
Virtual Mobile Client for Eclipse HX
- (23) Keysets assignable to: Partylines, Groups, IFB, Point-to-Point, Directs & Controls
- Individual Keyset Listen Level Controls
- Reply for Incoming Point-to-Points
- OS Notifications for Incoming Calls
Virtual Mobile Client for Gen-IC & LQ
- (24) Keysets assignable to Channels: Listen, Talk, Call, Control Events, Remote Mic Kill
- Individual Keyset Listen Level Controls
- Reply for incoming Call Signals
- OS Notifications for incoming Call Signals
- LQ Interface Integration Options
SkyPort User Administration for Gen-IC
- Invite & manage Virtual Client Users in SkyPort
- Email and third-party authentication security
- System profile automatically in Virtual Client
- Invite -> Log-in -> Connect
Network Agnostic
- Supported by hardware or virtual intercom
- Robust intercom over LAN, WAN & internet
- IT friendly networking for internet connectivity
- Encrypted Connection
Licensing Options
- Perpetual Eclipse & LQ licensing
- Subscription Eclipse, Gen-IC & LQ licenses
- Intercom System Hosted License