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ProGrid Audio Network Solution transports, distributes and routes signals from the intercom, audio, video equipment—independent of manufacturer or brand—quickly, cost-effectively and easily over a fiber and IP network. ProGrid offers redundancy, robustness, and reliability for small to very large infrastructural requirements.The ProGrid family consists of several categories of devices: Analog Audio Converter Devices, Intercom Interface Devices, Digital MADI Interface Devices, AES/EBU Connectivity Devices, and Yamaha Interface Cards.
Complete your ProGrid Audio Network with our suite of products.
Digital intercom audio and data control I/O interface devices.
Control software for ProGrid audio, intercom and digital devices.
Compared to copper, ProGrid fiber cabling will save you money, time and weight to implementing a long-distance audio network. It supports a number of different routing topology and connection options—Star, Ring, and Point-to-Point. A fiber-based network creates a hum-free environment.
Ensure your network with redundant fiber protocol, redundant PSU, redundant sync operation – Word Clock and Video Sync, with extremely fast, non-audible recovery after failure.
Up to 1024 audio input channels and unlimited number of output sin non-blocking matrix. The matrix is stored independently on each device. Up to 24 ProGrid devices, expandable to 215 devices using SANE –an Ethernet-based backbone that streams and transmits data fully synchronously in real time.
Capable of routing any incoming signal to any output or multiple outputs as a continuous stream of data, without buffering, packaging or compression in extremely low latency. System latency of two samples is at 41.6ÎĽs.
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