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Small Broadcast Studio with Trilogy

Producing a seamless news broadcast is both difficult and stressful as performance drives ratings and therefore dollars. Staff is coordinated by the News Producer who has a direct connection to all staff.


How it Works

Leveraging a matrix-based system in a broadcast gives the director or producer the ability to speak on a one-to-one or one-to-many basis. Stationary positions can be outfitted with panels which also gives them the ability to speak to specific individuals or groups of people. The additions of wireless beltpacks for mobile users and IFB capability for talent provide a top-level solution for a small broadcast studio.



Featured Products used in this Application:

  • Trilogy Gemini System
    • 10 Lever Key Operator Panel
    • 16 Lever Key Operator Panel
    • 30 Touch Key Operator Panel
    • Gemini Matrix