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Our Cambridge Office has a New Home

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On January 18th, our Cambridge office moved to a new location, right down the road from the old location. Luckily, we didn't have to move far, because it was snowing! Despite the cold, everyone pitched in to help move boxes and equipment so that we could get back to work quickly. Here's a little behind the scenes from our move: 

Packing up the totes
Packing up the conference rooms
Packing up the cubicles
More packing.....
Totes are all packed up
The office is almost empty now....
Just a few more things left to pack
Break time! Well, a break from the moving......
Empty racks
Empty shelves

Now that we are all packed, it's time to move to the new place and start unpacking! The new desks were in their places and everything was ready to be organized in it's new home. Let the unpacking begin......

These shelves won't be empty for long
New desk area
The racks are ready for gear
Let the unpacking begin!
New testing area
Time for some tea
New conference room
Breakroom and kitchen area
More desk areas
Lots of windows!
The totes are almost empty
Our new Clear-Com sign!
Getting organized
That's a lot of bubble wrap!
Busy, busy, busy
Plugging everything in
It's all coming together now!
Desks are unpacked
Just a few more totes to go....
See? Sometimes moving can be fun!

We'd like to thank everyone involved with the Cambridge office move. We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused during this transitional period during the move. It was a huge undertaking in just a few short days. We're now back up an running and ready to serve you! We hope to give you a chance to tour our new facilities soon!


2000 Beach Drive

Cambridge Research Park

Cambridge CB25 9TE

United Kingdom

Phone and email addresses remain the same.