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LQ Series v4 and Partyline

The LQ Series v4 software release for both LQ and LQ-R allows a user to add the Agent-IC mobile app to their intercom system. This is a significant gain as it adds both IP and wireless capability to an existing analog partyline system. This simple offering greatly scales the capability the end user has versus the typical partyline setup.


How it Works

LQ Series v4 allows an LQ or LQ-R device to house up to eight licenses for Agent-IC. In this scenario, an MS-702 with two beltpacks and two speaker boxes is connected to an LQ-2W2 throwdown box. The LQ IP interface is connected into a Local Area Network (LAN) housing a WiFi router. Android or iOS mobile devices with licensed Agent-IC applications can then be used to communicate with users on the beltpacks and speaker boxes.



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