Clear-Com Technology Milestones
1972 Clear-Com’s first analog partyline was available to the market. 
1981 Clear-Com debuted the first SB8 switchboard.
1992 Matrix I was first introduced to the market.
1996 Clear-Com Vega received the Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award for the development in Broadcast wireless microphone. 
2004 Eclipse v1.0 was released.
2007 Clear-Com unveiled its line of 30+ Encore analog partyline systems.
2009 Tempest wireless intercom was launched and I.V.Core Intercom-over-IP technology was developed.
2011 Clear-Com won the Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award for invention of the distributed wired beltpack.
2012 Clear-Com released HelixNet Partyline, the first digital partyline system, on the HelixNet networked intercom platform.