IFB Remote Production
It is very important to any local broadcaster that they are just that – “local.” Viewers want to see news and information about their region, city or something that may even affect them personally. Long studio shots can’t deliver on that promise so broadcasters send reporters into the field to help deliver that local flavor. Advances in cellular technology and IP access have been instrumental in making remote news sources second nature to in studio productions. Broadcasters have heavily invested into these solutions and will continue to do so into the future.
Application Notes
Audio engineers at the broadcast studio manage remote IFBs utilizing a PIC-4744 and an MA-704 switch box. The PIC-4744 provides four IFB routes, if more are needed, additional devices can easily be added to an existing system. In addition to providing the necessary partyline power, the LQ-R2W4-4W4 IP interface converts the analog signal into IP which are then received by LQ interfaces or mobile devices with Agent-IC applications in the field. Agent-IC licenses (up to eight) are managed via the LQ devices in the field or at the broadcast studio.
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