Choosing the Right Wireless Intercom System (Part 1 of 9)
You know you want a Clear-Com wireless intercom. But with so many options, how do you know which one will work best for you? We've created an easy to use Infographic that will help guide you in choosing the right wireless system based on your needs. Not everyone's needs are the same. Interfacing may be more important than the number of users for one user, where as another user may need to meet budget requirements over audio quality. There is no finite way of determining what's right for you. This Infographic allows you to pick and choose what matters the most and you can drill down from there. Consider this the "Choose Your Own Adventure" in wireless intercom. Don't know where to start? Over the next series of posts, we'll be breaking down each section and educating you on how to choose the right wireless intercom system for you.