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Mentor CX

The Mentor CX changeover unit provides manual, GPI, or automatic changeover between a pair of Mentor RG sync generators for the maximum possible availability for on-air applications. Capable of switching up to 22 channels of mixed video, audio and timecode signals, the Mentor CX will cover many applications where more than one main sync and test generator needs to be backed up. The base unit has a total of ten channels comprising of four unbalanced channels of monitoring and switching of any combination of analog signals, two unbalanced channels of monitoring and switching SDI video, and four unbalanced channels of AES or LTC signals with format detection. Analog signals include Black Burst, Tri-Level Sync, AES/DARS, Word Clock 10 MHz or 27 MHz. SDI video includes SD/HD/3G. Option cards add two channels of monitoring and changeover of analog signals or two channels of monitoring and changeover of SD/HD/3G video with format detection. A passive card is available to follow changeover events triggered by active cards that can switch digital or analog formats. Using option cards, a Mentor CX can support up to 22 channels.

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