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Radio Dispatch

Radio Dispatch

Clear-Com can also provide solutions for radio dispatch. These can stand alone separate systems or be integrated within the facility intercom systems. In this diagram, we show the Trilogy Mercury system with a central interface (MIU) connected to PC client intercom systems and with a link back to the command center. The MIU has radio cards installed to link to various and different radio sub-systems that can be pulled into one communication system so that all teams can communicate between each other.

Note the alternative would be to have a base for each emergency team and then not allow inter-communication.

This provides a system that by using various user stations, hard-wired or virtual on PCs, can be extended to the teams with experiences on the small local facilities but talk and listen to the wider system and to the emergency teams over radios.

One such example is mobile emergency trucks communicating back through radios can therefore be included within the hospital and/or command center so that the vital resources are in place quickly.

The system can provide remote audio and key logging recording as is required in emergencies.



Featured Products used in this Application:

  • Trilogy Mercury System
    • Mercury Interface Unit (MIU)
    • Radio Interface (RIB) card
    • SIP interfaces to telephone systems
    • Mercury PC intercom clients
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