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Smart Solutions: Integrating IP into Existing Systems

Clear-Com Marketing 0 2787 Article rating: No rating

Project success comes down to clear communication, but how do you upgrade your intercom system to IP without having to replace every device in your organization? Clear-Com's John Ruest shows you how. Let's face it, you want the convenience of an IP-based intercom, but that doesn't mean you need to replace every device in your system. An intercom matrix is where the majority of your various communication platforms are housed together. Some IP-only solutions may require significant upgrades ...

HelixNet IP Networking Guide

Clear-Com Marketing 0 3142 Article rating: No rating

This guide provides specifications, best practices and guidance for the integration of HelixNet into an existing or new IP network. Several of the terms used in this document are technical in nature. Please see the glossary at the end of the document for explanations and definitions.
