FreeSpeak II Base 1.9 GHz/2.4 GHz

Two radio frequencies

The two sets of equipment can be used separately or together.

Which frequency you use affects how many beltpacks can be used in any one radio frequency (RF) cell (the range of one transceiver).

Each transceiver is designed to handle 5 beltpacks in the 1.9 GHz range and 4 beltpacks in the 2.4 GHz range, simultaneously and in good conditions. If interference or propagation problems occur in an area it may be practical to install one less beltpack for each transceiver.

For most working systems, Clear-Com uses a ratio of 3 - 4 (1.9 GHz) or 2-3 (2.4 GHz) users per transceiver. This is due to system losses.

See Transceiver placement for more information.